The secret to interviews for senior positions

Published on January 24, 2024

The higher the position you're going for, the more likely it is that your interviews will be focused on telling people about yourself and how you work, rather than your skills and competencies.

Here's what that means:

The CV and the first interviews will typically ensure that you know what you're talking about. That you can do the work. That's easy. You know how to do the work.

The following interviews, especially the more informal ones, with more senior people, will test your personality, your curiosity, your interests, your quirks.

They want to know: can I work with this person? Do I like them?

By their very nature, these are subjective.

Which means that if you're faking it, and telling them what you think they want to hear, they'll see that from a mile away.

This is good news.

Because instead of spending hours prepping and memorising fake answers, you get to spend time with yourself and ask yourself interesting questions, such as:

Why do I do what I do?
Why do I still do this and not something else?
Which part of do I like most?
Which part of what I do actually annoys me/ I enjoy least? Why?
How does this add value in the world/to a company?
What do people think about the kind of work that I do? What don't they like? How am I different to all the other people who do what I do?

When you reveal to yourself the answers to these questions, you don't have to prepare or memorise anything. You can use that information to answer any questions people might have. 

You'll feel honest. 

You'll come across as honest. And the people who hire you will do so because they like you. 

This is the best news.

They hire you because they like you. Because you showed them the real you. So then you can just be like that all the time at work. YOU.

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